Exclusive Tips for Wine Gifting Etiquette
The gift of wine is almost always well-received. As long as you know the person drinks wine, it’s something most people are going to be grateful for. But you still need to know the rules of etiquette for giving this type of gift to anyone.
Think Of Your Host
There are so many kinds of wine to choose from that you have to narrow it down when giving it as a gift. You have to know your host well enough to know what he or she likes. So if your host loves Italian food, a bottle of Italian wine would be an ideal choice. The last thing you want to do is give someone a bottle they won’t even want.
If you have no knowledge of what your host likes and no way of finding out, experts recommend giving them a bottle of pinot noir. The smooth flavor of this red wine should please even the pickiest of drinkers.
Use A Gift Bag Or Small Card
Ideally, the best way to present a bottle of wine is in a gift bag. But in the absence of one, you’ll at least need to include a small card with the bottle. It’s always nice to write a short but personal note on the card thanking your host for having you. Giving them a glimpse into why you choose the wine you did is also a nice touch.
Don’t Obsess Over Or Reveal The Price
Wine gifting etiquette states that you don’t have to spend a lot on a bottle, but you do have to keep the price to yourself. If you find a cheap bottle of wine you think will make a good gift, don’t pass it up just because it is cheap. But also make sure you remove the price tag before you give it to your hostess. It’s none of his or she’s business how much you paid for it.
Don’t fall into the trap that to be good, a wine has to be expensive, and if it’s cheap, it’s automatically bad. This is far from true and should not be a factor in your decision about which wine to get.
When In Doubt, Ask An Expert
If you don’t know anything about wine, don’t sweat it. All you have to do is go to a nice wine store and ask the salespeople for a recommendation. This is a part of their job responsibilities and they are used to doing it. This way you don’t have to stress about possibly choosing the wrong wine.
If All Else Fails, Give An Alternate Gift
There is no rule that says you have to gift your host with a bottle of wine. If you have compelling reasons why you don’t want to, consider giving your host chocolates or other treats.
Following these rules of etiquette ensures that you can be gracious to your host. In the end, it’s the thought that counts. Your gift to them should reflect this mindset, regardless of what it is.