12 Interesting Sex Facts And Myths You Should Know About
We all deal with number unpredictable incidents in our life that impact on your mental and physical health. While we compare sex with fun, a healing power for bad time or just a weekend treasure, there are some myths about sex we have heard from our friends or other sources. These myths follow us for a long time and our mind turns that myth on the facts. We have listed some of such Interesting Sex Facts and Myths to make you aware of them. Sit back and make your mind understand the facts to neglect the myths.
Interesting Sex Facts and Myths
Myth: It is for young only
Fact: Sex is not for the frame of the twenties at all. The research found out that there are couples having an edge around seventy-five have a joyful sex life.
Myth: About male’s size of manhood
Fact: Myth is about the relevance of shoe size of the man with its size under the pants. There is no scientific approval for it and it is completely rubbish thing to compare the size of his manhood with his feet size.
Myth: Condoms compromise your pleasure
Fact: The fact is condoms can add to the pleasure but it is needed to be of perfect size and shape.
Myth: it’s a man’s need only
Fact: We all know it is between the man and woman, thus women are equally interested in sex as men. Some of the mental issues may make take her away from this joy.
Myth: Ejaculation only can satisfy him
Fact: Nope! It is one of the highly assumed Interesting Sex Facts and Myths. He can orgasm and ejaculation is not the only one goal he wants to achieve.
Myths: It must be bigger
Fact: Skill matters not the size. Smaller vaginas are not really happy with a bigger penis.
Myth: Intimate relationship is key to better sex
Fact: Relationships should survive the boredom for a happy sex life. Couples should maintain the intimacy in limits so that spouse will not de-eroticize.
Myth: Few women experience discomfort in sex
Fact: There is a bigger percentage of women experiencing discomfort according to the research. It is about 30 to 40 percent.
Myth: All men can be the porn stars
Fact: It is completely individual ability to control ejaculation. If he has the tendency to ejaculate within a minute no exercise can help him out.
Myth: You should stop wet dreaming
Fact: It is completely natural to get those wet dreams. Wet dreams are not any kind of sexual disorder.
Myth: Woman can be defined as the one who can have a baby
Fact: There are a number of issues which may lead a woman to face troubles in childbirth. It is inhuman to stamp her to not a woman as those who do not have a child are equally feminine.
Myth: Excessive masturbation cuts the penis size
Fact: Most of the teens search about the Interesting Sex Facts and Myths in particular to masturbation. If you are worried about this myth, let me tell you man has the same size of his penis till his death. There is no concern of masturbation with the shrinking of penis size.
Some of the traditional myths that followed us in teenage like getting pregnant from oral sex or facing the issue of blindness because of masturbation are the childish one. We are sure Interesting Sex Facts and Myths discussed above are some serious compared to that. All of us know what the matter of ins and outs is but it is also essential to clarify the myths you have. Want to make your sex life amazing so here are some tips.