
39 Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs to know the ‘Meaning Of Universe

Nikola Tesla once said, “if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, vibration, and frequency.”

It is important for all of us to understand the fact that positive energy is always spread from within, and the happy and peaceful you stay from within, the better it is for you to stay positive. The power of the universe, is also believed to come from these positive vibes, combined from millions of people. As per the Hindu Mythology, God descends where there is happiness and positivity. A lot of chanting of positive words can also add to this positivity.

Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs

Meaning of the word “OM”

Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs

As per the Hindu Mythology, the word OM is a very powerful one. Chanting this word alone can spread positive vibrations. In fact, a lot of prayers of the God also has this word quite frequently. Symbolically, the word OM, represents divine energy. The word has syllables from ancient Sanskrit language – Au-Oh – Mm. These letters have been founded from the Vedas, which originated somewhere between 1500 – 1200 BC. This divine word, broadly also represents three main characteristics of life – Liberation, Creation and Preservation.

The power of the word “OM”

Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs

It is believed that this word is the central element of the spiritual life of Lord Krishna as per the Srimad Bhagwad Geeta. According to it, there is no word that is more powerful or greater than OM. That is why, a lot of spiritual Gurus use this word regularly while they are meditating and chanting the name of God. When the word is chanted repeatedly, it spreads positive vibrations in the body. This deepens your state of awareness and allows you to have deeper consciousness on what you wish to concentrate on. It is said that, through regular chanting, you will reach a stage where you can feel the vibrations around you – positive or negative.

Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs

OM tattoo generally take a very small space on your body but it inject your body with sea of Positivity. You can try out some more small tattoo designs with gigantic meanings.

Placing of the OM Tattoo

Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs

With this word having high religious meanings, it is important for you to note the fact that it may not be appropriate to have this tattoo at any body part that you would wish to. It is highly recommended for you to NOT have this tattoo anywhere below your waist line. This is because a lot of cultures may regard the parts below the waist line to be impure, and it may be considered as an insult to have this word on those body parts. This is one of the most common out of all the Religious Tattoo designs available.

Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs

And to find out the perfect tattoo for yourself considering all your requirements, you can create your own tattoo. For that, you just have to know that How to create and design your tattoo in the best way.

Advantages of chanting OM

Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs

Apart from the highly religious value the word holds, chanting this word on a regular basis can imbibe quite some benefits in your body and to the surroundings… Some of the benefits of the word OM are –

Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
  • The frequent pronunciation of this word creates vibrations and a rhythm to the voice. This tends to bring about a calming effect of your body overall, and to the nervous system in particular
  • Chanting of the word also spreads positive vibrations in your surroundings, as it purifies the environment
  • As this is a universal hymn, it helps you to increase your concentration
  • It brings in deep relaxation, and helps you to have better immunity and you may have self healing powers developed – slowly

Using of the word OM

Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs
Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs

When you chant this word, keep repeating it again and again in order to feel the vibrations. The ideas that you have along with chanting this word – let them ring in your heart and mind, and let the chanting of the word soak into those ideas, for the positive vibrations to flow in.

Along with this you can also check out some more Good Luck Tattoo Designs and the powerful Meaning Behind them.

The word has great significance, so if you have decided to have this as a tattoo, take care of the religious sentiments. You can choose from the variety of Spiritual OM Tattoo Designs that would be available with the tattoo designers.

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