Mental Health Archives - Fashion Enzyme Fashion & Lifestyle Trends 2023 Wed, 21 Sep 2022 03:46:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Is Depression Really Caused By a Chemical Imbalance? Wed, 21 Sep 2022 03:45:57 +0000 Depression is a common yet serious medical condition that negatively affects how you act, feel, and the way you think. Recent statistics indicate that depression affects more than 3 million adults and adolescents annually in the U.S.,...

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Depression is a common yet serious medical condition that negatively affects how you act, feel, and the way you think. Recent statistics indicate that depression affects more than 3 million adults and adolescents annually in the U.S., carrying hundreds of billions in economic costs, and is a significant suicide risk.

The cause of depression is a long-time debate that seems to have no conclusion, but a common explanation is that a chemical imbalance causes the condition in the brain. The notion of chemical imbalance causing depression evolved in the late 1980s, coinciding with the introduction of Prozac. This drug was considered helpful in treating depression by increasing the production of serotonin.

It is important to analyze the true causes of depression.

Neurotransmitters’ Role

There is not enough proof that depression results from a chemical imbalance. Unfortunately, many doctors have been deceived by the theory and what antidepressants do to a depression victim’s body. The marketing catch suggests that antidepressants, an underlying chemical imbalance, have influenced decisions about treatment, self-perception, and the outlook on recovery.

A decline in levels of serotonin has been the primary cause of depression. But before you bow down to this narrative, it’s crucial to understand what serotonin is and what it does. Serotonin is a chemical that sends messages to and fro the nerve cells in the brain and throughout your body. Serotonin is responsible for body functions such as mood, nausea, sleep, digestion, bone health, blood clotting, wound healing, and sexual desire.

The chemical imbalance hypothesis on the cause of depression and that antidepressants work by elevating the chemical levels has failed to find substantial support. Every time research on depression and serotonin links is conducted, the research results in multiple lines of inquiry. Therefore, any time you hear a medical practitioner mention “chemical imbalance” to explain depression, know that you are only listening to a fictional narrative or a sales pitch.


It’s important to acknowledge that many were misled into buying into the narrative of antidepressants and chemical imbalance. The notion affected most medical discussions, so we may be condemned for repeating the same mistakes with new pharmaceutical products if we don’t recognize this mistake. Many people argue that they get better after taking antidepressants, but there is still a debate on whether these antidepressants work or don’t.

The evidence that antidepressants work is drawn from randomized trials, and these trials could be exaggerated as antidepressants have side effects. Antidepressants also cause subtle changes that trick people into knowing that you are taking the active drug, not the placebo, which might amplify the placebo effects. Studies on antidepressants suggest that treatment lasts for six to eight weeks but does not highlight whether taking antidepressants for long is worthwhile.

What is Causing Depression?

If you have suffered from depression, you might have asked yourself a couple of times why you were sad for no reason. Maybe you are also convinced that depression is a chemical imbalance in your brain, or perhaps you think the condition will live with you forever since you saw a sibling, parent, or family member go through it.

Depression is more complex and stems from many different causes. Depression has been linked to emotional and social stress. Stress not only makes you feel overwhelmed but also causes changes in biology. Stress triggers the production of hormones and chemicals that alter many systems in your body, including changes in blood sugar, inflammation, and the gut microbiome.

According to research, issues with mental health are not entirely in your head, so you have to consider the whole body’s health. When your immunity is affected or when inflammation becomes chronic or widespread, it can shake the stability of your brain and body, leading to an increased risk of depression and other mental illnesses. Inflammation can be caused by stress, poor diet, or certain medical diseases.

Imbalances in certain hormones can cause low moods and depression as hormones such as cortisol, thyroid, and estrogen are critical for brain function and overall health. There is also a link between what you eat and your mental health.

With all the theories and actual causes of depression, it’s crucial to note that depression is not a shameful diagnosis. It happens to one in five people. It can also lead to further problems such as addiction if not treated properly. If you find yourself struggling with addiction, there are drug and substance abuse rehab services in Royal Palm Beach that can help. Don’t fight the battle alone.

Is Depression Curable?

There is no known cure for depression. However, effective treatment options can help you recover from it. Make sure you start early for the treatment to be more effective. If you are lucky, you will never see depression again after a single episode, but sometimes you may continue having relapses even with effective treatment. To prevent relapses continue with your treatment as long as your doctor advises.

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7 Significant Tips to Consider before Opting for Online Therapy Sat, 02 May 2020 05:33:10 +0000 The world of online counseling might be unique in its approach, but it is as effective as physical counseling. The primary question that arises here is what sort of therapy is ideal? Actually, it depends...

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The world of online counseling might be unique in its approach, but it is as effective as physical counseling. The primary question that arises here is what sort of therapy is ideal? Actually, it depends on individual needs. Every individual who enters therapy sessions have different mental health concerns, and hence, the emotional needs they want catered to are also different. There is no denying that human beings have to struggle through life. There is nothing called a perfect life. So, it is generally based on what particular circumstances a person is in or what emotional problems he is dealing with that the ideal therapy he might need is determined. But irrespective of what reasons you want a therapy session, here are some Tips to Consider before Opting for Online Therapy. Have a look-

Tips to Consider before Opting for Online Therapy

Choosing the right location

A lot of people worry about the location. They, somehow, always feel they are not at the right location to take an online therapy session. But to be honest, there is absolutely no restriction on where you want to sit down and engage in the session. It could be within the confines of your home, or from inside a hotel room. It could even be from the bench of a park. What really matters is how comfortable you feel in that location. How it looks to you or appears on the screen matters least.

Just you and your therapist!

Talking about Tips to Consider before Opting for Online Therapy, this one is probably the most important. So, when you are about to get into an online therapy session, it is important that you look around for people. The point is that you need to make sure there is no one near you. With people around you, you will not just feel uncomfortable, you will also fail to talk about your problems without filters.

Avoid distractions

Although there are a lot of useful Tips to Consider before Opting for Online Therapy, you will relate to this one fully. It’s about distractions. Yes, we are talking about your phone, your screaming television set and also, your kids roaming about in the room. These are distractions you simply cannot avoid. Distractions of any form can hamper the effectiveness of a session. And that is why it is advisable that you choose a quiet place without anything distracting happening around you.

To avoid all surrounding noise

You might think about this piece of advice as one of the most routine Tips to Consider before Opting for Online Therapy, but it’s really important. Use your headphones! You don’t need to be told why headphones are a must for an online therapy session. But in case, you are clueless, it is for sound clarity, and for canceling out any noise in the surrounding such as the chirping of birds.

Big screens are better

Although it’s not turn necessarily so that you will have to use a big screen, doing so could improve the quality of your online therapy session considerably. So, how does a bigger screen help? Well, a bigger screen can help you feel as if the therapist is sitting right in front of you. On the other hand, when you use a mobile phone for such sessions, you don’t get that real-time feel.

The internet?

Check your internet connection, and make sure it’s speedy. Any interruption due to network could affect the overall quality of the session. If the other people on the same connection are using video streaming services, ask them to put off the watching to a later time. For an uninterrupted therapy session, it is important that you have a fast internet connection.

Check the lighting

Make sure there is sufficient light in the room. It could be a natural or an artificial source of light, but make sure it keeps your face visible throughout the session. Also, you have to see to it that the light is not washing you off. It should just be right. This is important because a therapist needs to look at you properly to develop a connection. So, keep yourself properly visible.

Preparedness is key

You’re going to talk to a therapist. Can you appear in front of them completely dumb and unprepared? Well, you can, but that wouldn’t be a great idea. So, the best thing that you can do even before establishing any connection with your therapist is having a blueprint of your thoughts. You need to know what exactly you are going to ask. Sometimes, preparing yourself to take a session itself becomes the most difficult phase of the entire process.

Some people go for online therapy just because they need someone to open themselves up to and others want practical solutions for their life problems. No matter what you want a therapist for, it’s advisable that you swear by the above-mentioned Tips to Consider before Opting for Online Therapy, for desired results.

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Mental Health Trends that Should be Known Fri, 31 May 2019 06:58:25 +0000 Mental health is important for many people, not just those who are suffering currently. Even if you live a healthy lifestyle and don’t have to worry about your mental health as much as others, there...

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Mental health is important for many people, not just those who are suffering currently. Even if you live a healthy lifestyle and don’t have to worry about your mental health as much as others, there are still a few things you can do in order to make your life better, and your mental health healthier.  Here are some mental health trends that you should definitely know about.

Mental Health Trends that Should be Known

It’s Okay to Seek Out Help

If you’re someone that is suffering problems and need help, whether it be relationship advice, or something else, then remember that it’s okay to seek out help.  Understanding that it’s okay to ask for help sometimes is very important. We live in a society where we tend to do everything on our own, and even though we might think that’s alright, our relationships tank because of it.

This isn’t just a relationship in terms of boyfriend and girlfriend, man and wife either. If you feel like your family relationship is strained, then you should do something about it.  Click here and also look here for some help on how to seek out help in this situation, because who knows, it could make your life much easier as well, and remember, you’re not weak if you ask for help. You’re just human.

Sometimes a Break is Needed

While working on the newest summer makeup trends might seem like a good idea, if you feel burnt out doing new looks constantly, you might need a mental health break. Taking a break is a good way to recharge your batteries, and get a feel for what you need to do in order to feel better.

The beauty world is always changing.  For some, following the trends is easy, almost seamless, but for others, it can be hell for you, because it’s a lot of information, and it can be stressful. If you need to take a break for a bit as a beauty guru, you’ll be fine. A break isn’t going to kill you, but instead, it will help you, and sometimes, it truly is needed, and it will help you if you’re looking to de-stress, and to make it better.

You Don’t Need to Stress yourself Out

You don’t need to stress yourself out to be successful. Some believe that in order to succeed, you must spend all your time getting everything together for the next piece, and never have five minutes to yourself. But, that is where you’re wrong.

Take some time and work on yourself as needed. This is important, because so many beauty bloggers, and anyone who keeps up with fashion trends period. Suffers from this, so it’s in your best interest not to stress yourself to the point of exhaustion, and instead, make sure you’re realistic with yourself.

Set Expectations you can Easily Meet

This is a mental health trend that’s important. If your’e a perfectionist, you’ll soon realize that’s not healthy. But, setting realistic expectations that you can easily meet will change you. Gone are the days where you feel like you must constantly meet the needs of some overly high standard, but instead, being realistic and reducing instances of perfection is a great way to help you cope with the stresses of life better.

Be realistic with yourself, but also meet expectations.

With summer right around the corner, being smart about your mental health is key.  You don’t want to burn yourself out, and while many of us want to stay on top of the trends, sometimes the trend of realizing when it’s time to chill out will change you for the better, and you’d be amazed at the difference it makes.

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A Better Version of You: 5 Healthy Tips to Cope with Mental Illness Thu, 21 Mar 2019 07:20:24 +0000 We live in a day and age where mental illness is receiving more attention than ever before. In years past, mental illness was largely regarded as a symptom of weak-minded individuals who just couldn’t hack...

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We live in a day and age where mental illness is receiving more attention than ever before. In years past, mental illness was largely regarded as a symptom of weak-minded individuals who just couldn’t hack it in life. People suffering from mental illness were given essentially two options – toughen up or go to an asylum where you’re not a burden on anyone else.

Thank goodness we’ve moved past that point. Today, mental illness is treated as both a very real and very treatable disease. There’s a growing body of research that’s helping us understand these ailments, more medical professionals who devote their lives to treating mental illness, and more resources for the afflicted.

Healthy Tips to Cope with Mental Illness

If you’re struggling with mental illness, the first thing that you need to understand is that you’re not broken. Your situation is very similar to people suffering from diabetes, cancer, or any other disease. You can treat and overcome your affliction just like they do, and the following tips will help you cope with your daily struggles against mental illness.

Accept That You Have an Illness, and That’s Okay

Before you can develop any coping mechanisms that work for you, it’s crucial that you accept the fact that you have an illness. It may get better over time, and you may not have it forever, but for now, that is your life.

The act of accepting your disorder can actually feel very liberating. Society might tell you that if there’s nothing wrong with you, then you should do everything and live the same way everyone else does. When you’re operating under that pressure, the strain of trying to be like everyone else can leave you feeling completely overwhelmed, making your condition worse.

Accepting that you have a mental illness is the first key step because you’re giving yourself permission to make some adjustments. You can then adjust your lifestyle to what works best for you.

Develop a Creative Outlet to Express Your Emotions

One of the worst things that people suffering from a mental disorder can do is keep their emotions bottled up. Sadly, that’s exactly what around 60% of afflicted people do. Even if you’re not seeking regular medical help (which you should be), you at least need a way to express the emotions that you’re feeling. Having a creative outlet is an excellent way to do that.

Finding the Right Outlet for You

When people say “creative outlet,” they typically mean drawing, painting, writing, or playing an instrument. Those are all wonderful pursuits, but not everyone is good at art or even enjoys it. When I say creative outlet, what I mean is twofold: something that allows you to express your emotions and something that gives you a sense of relief. Some examples of non-artistic, but still creative, pursuits you can try include:

  • Woodcarving
  • Auto-detailing
  • Cooking
  • Landscaping

Notice, I didn’t say that it necessarily makes you feel happy. You should enjoy what you’re making but the main goal is to get your emotions out in the open. That may be painful for you initially. However, as you become comfortable expressing your feelings through your creations, you’ll find that you feel unburdened. Once you’ve gotten to a place where you can channel your emotions, positive or negative, into a creative medium, happiness will naturally follow

Actively Work Against Your Emotions

One of the biggest challenges that people with mental disorders face is understanding that the world isn’t how they see it. Their emotions are skewed as a result of their illness. This means that they are far more susceptible to mood swings, bouts of depression, or temptations to inflict self-harm than other people. If you’re suffering from mental illness, one thing you have to do is learn to act counter to what your emotions are telling you to do.

For example – if your emotions are telling you to isolate yourself from everyone, seek out a trusted friend instead. If your emotions are suggesting that you’re not good at anything, actively work on your creative outlet. If your emotions are saying that you’re a worthless individual, take a moment to look in the mirror and tell yourself that you’re an exceptional human being.

It might sound crazy on the surface, but by actively resisting the impulses your emotions are encouraging, you can learn to see past them. That will help you see your world and your life for the way they really are.

Change Your Environment

If you’ve tried every coping mechanism listed here, have been evaluated by mental health professionals, and still find yourself miserable, then maybe the problem isn’t you. As I suggested above – your mental illness means that your needs may be different than anyone else’s. That might also mean that the environment you’re currently in isn’t the best one to give you what you need.

A perfect example is your work environment. Stress is a part of any job. It’s not a good idea to up and quit just because there are challenges. However, if all the work you do leaves you depressed, or you’re constantly being pressured to meet standards that you just can’t, it may be time to go. It doesn’t matter if you’re an artist, teacher, lawyer, or doctor. If your work environment isn’t conducive to your health, it’s time to explore other options.

You should apply this same line of thinking to all of the environments you live in. Your apartment, your social circle, your family – all are environments that will either work for or against your condition. Don’t be afraid to make some changes in your life if you need to.

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Online Therapy vs Traditional Therapy: Mental Health Care Wed, 28 Nov 2018 09:12:06 +0000 Traditional therapy for mental health involves receiving treatment from a therapist personally, probably by visiting them or having them visit you at your place. Either way, the connection with your therapist is real and not...

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Traditional therapy for mental health involves receiving treatment from a therapist personally, probably by visiting them or having them visit you at your place. Either way, the connection with your therapist is real and not virtual. On the other hand, online therapy is obtained over the internet and the association is of course virtual. Both have their own pros and cons. We will look at how both can benefit a patient. And based on which one feels more convenient to you, you can probably decide on what kind of therapy to take. Have a look at this discussion of Online Therapy vs Traditional Therapy, Mental Health Care-

Online Therapy vs Traditional Therapy: Mental Health Care

Traditional Therapy

Talking about Online Therapy vs Traditional Therapy, Mental Health Care, let’s first look at the benefits you get when you take traditional therapy

You get in-person treatment– Some people prefer the calming effect an in-person interaction with the therapist can offer. If you are one of them, traditional therapy is your thing.

It’s a boon for some– For many serious mental health issues, traditional therapy is a better option as some conditions cannot be addressed online. Some violent cases can only be treated with traditional therapy.

Various therapy types are applicable– Starting from art therapy and drama therapy to music and play therapy, a lot is possible under traditional therapy. These therapy options can’t be tried online.

Online Therapy

In the discussion of Online Therapy vs Traditional Therapy, Mental Health Care, let’s now check out the pros of online therapy-

Money is a big factor– If you are looking for a better deal, then opting for online therapy would be the best bet. It is much cheaper than its traditional counterpart.

Frequent contact– This mode of therapy allows you to make frequent contacts with your therapist. You can contact them as many times you want on any given day as you deem important.

It’s all easy– It’s an extremely convenient way to take treatment for any mental health problem. You are saved from the hassle of traveling to your therapist’s clinic and then waiting for long hours for your turn to come.

You can make use of multimedia– Just because online therapy is internet-mediated, doesn’t mean you will have to maintain only written communication with your therapist. You can use videos and images too.

Start away right now– If you want to start taking treatment right away, you can do so without hassle. Some therapy platforms allow you to start your treatment as early as a few hours from the time of registration.

Confidentiality– A lot of platforms are there that offer therapy without asking you to divulge a lot of personal information. So, your identity remains a secret. You can receive treatment without really telling the therapist a lot about yourself.

No suffering– A lot of people suffer from social anxiety disorder because of which they fail to make personal visits at their therapists’ clinic. Online therapy is a boon for them.

The above-detailed discussion on Online Therapy vs Traditional Therapy, Mental Health Care helps you decide better as to which therapy option to take. So, make a judicious choice and experience mental wellbeing.

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5 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Mental Health Issues Tue, 27 Nov 2018 07:11:09 +0000 Whether it’s depression or anxiety or something more serious, you should never ignore any mental ailment. Even though it’s something linked entirely to your mind, it can impact your life in a negative way. And...

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Whether it’s depression or anxiety or something more serious, you should never ignore any mental ailment. Even though it’s something linked entirely to your mind, it can impact your life in a negative way. And that’s why you should always take measures when you feel there is something wrong with your mental health. Although there are many Ways to Get Rid of Mental Health Issues, these five measures will bring about a dramatic positive change in how you feel in totality. Have a look-

Ways to Get Rid of Mental Health Issues

Taking Care Of The Body Is Key

Out of all the Ways to Get Rid of Mental Health Issues, this one is probably the most important. Remember, there is a deep mind-body connection that we human beings tend to overlook. Just like you can’t have a healthy body without a healthy mind, you can’t dream of a healthy mind, with so much of the chaos going on inside your body. So, treat your body with love and care. Take nutritious food, drink plenty of water, have proper sleep, exercise and avoid harmful habits.

Do What Makes You Happy

Happiness might look like an emotion. But it’s much more than that. Numerous studies have time and again proved that laughter or happiness has therapeutic effects. And that is why you should always do things that make you happy. If you love cooking, then cook or rather pursue a profession in this field. If meeting new people gives you happiness, then visit different places and interact with the locals. Trust us, there are hundreds of ways to be happy, all you need is to figure out what really brings that unadulterated smile on your face.

Mind The People Around You

Our environment has a big contribution to how we are shaped as individuals. And that is why you should always strive to live in a healthy environment. Avoiding negativity, clutter, fights, chaos, and conspiracies would be the best way out. Make friends that inspire you, encourage you to do great in life, and not those who feel you are good for nothing. Having positive vibes all around you is important to feel positive inside.

Handling stress

Stress is a major factor behind mental ailment. But it is also something people can’t shoo away even when they can feel it is harming them. And that is why you should never stop putting in efforts to stay stress-free. If your job is the reason for all your stress, you can probably try changing the job or the profession. Do what you like, and not what you think others will like you to do. Paying heed to your own counsel is the best bet in this scenario.

Seek help when it’s needed

Of all the Ways to Get Rid of Mental Health Issues, we have here, the importance of this one can’t be overemphasized. Despite all your efforts to keep mental issues at bay, you might still suffer. And it is then that you need to seek help from some expert in this field. Tell them about everything that bothers you, and it’s likely that they will come up with the best solution to your problem.

The above Ways to Get Rid of Mental Health Issues are tried and tested. They can offer a great deal of relief to any sufferer, notwithstanding their age. If you too feel low without a reason, it could be a sign of some mental disorder. So, take it seriously. The sooner you address the issue, the faster you recover!

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