Online Dating Archives - Fashion Enzyme Fashion & Lifestyle Trends 2023 Sun, 19 Jul 2020 10:48:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What You’re Doing Wrong: Top 6 Moves Men Make That Turn Women Off Thu, 21 Mar 2019 07:37:32 +0000 As a young girl, your parents would warn you to be careful with boys because they only had “one thing on their mind,” right? Yes. That one thing was sex. Well, as it turns out,...

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As a young girl, your parents would warn you to be careful with boys because they only had “one thing on their mind,” right? Yes. That one thing was sex. Well, as it turns out, that “one thing” they had on their minds grow with them well into adulthood. Some guys are really smooth with getting what they want, while others are socially awkward and don’t stand a chance of even getting an eye batted at them!

To be fair, a man’s brain does change over the course of his life span. A study in the 2008  Proceedings of the National Academy of Science states that men have a “promiscuity gene,” and men born without it are more likely to have marriage on their brain more than just sex.

Now, don’t think for one minute that the guys who seemingly know what to say and do to get a woman to melt in the palms of their hands was equipped with some type of “playbook.” They too had to go through their stages of awkwardness… they just picked up on the do’s and don’ts faster and learned from their mistakes! The socially awkward guy might benefit more, sexually, from a dating app on a trustworthy site.

Moves Men Make That Turn Women Off

Treat Your Dating Life Like You’re Applying to Jobs

Your dating life is very similar to job hunting. No one woman is the same, just as no one job is the same, so for each job (woman) you apply to, you have to tweak your resume (change up your approach) a bit, right? I’m not saying change who you are, but for the sake getting what you want, get interested in some of her interests!

What Men Want Vs. What Women Want

When it comes to the idea of sex and love, men and women have totally different views. For most women, women need to feel loved to have sex… whereas men need to have sex to feel loved. The two theories are like oil and water right? Some people think those two theories are the difference between dating vs. a relationship but not all men and women are like that or think like that.

There are those women who are perfectly comfortable having casual sex with no strings attached, and those are the women who are ideal for the men who have that “one thing” on their minds. Now, even though these women might have the same things on their minds as the men do, these women still make a man work for it.

So the aspect of needing to have a good “game” is still very necessary for a man to get what he wants. Fellas, pay attention. Here are the quickest ways to sleeping alone at night!

Being Too Drunk During the First Encounter

So, let’s say you’re out with your guys at a club or bar. Of course, you’re going to be drinking, as will everyone else there, but when it comes to hitting on women, especially on the first date or encounter, men tend to practice less restraint than women. Some turn offs of a drunken man hitting on a woman include, but are not limited to:

  • Bad breath
  • Slurred speech
  • No regard for personal space (in your face)
  • Bad memory
  • Clumsy

If you want to kill your chances of a possible hookup after the club, have one too many drinks and perform all of the above! Instead, look for first date ideas that will impress her… remember, it’s easier to attract flies with honey than vinegar!

Communicating Through Basic Texts

There’s nothing worse than a woman getting a “WYD” (what you doing?) text. Do you know what she’s thinking? She’s thinking “are you that lazy that you can’t fully type the entire question out?” Not even a “hey, how are you?” before the “WYD.”  Guys… abbreviated basic texts are not how you impress a woman through text.

To really swoon a woman by way of text, it will take work in combination with your other efforts, but let her wake up to a “good morning sunshine” or “have a great day” text message. Have her go to bed with “good night” or “sweet dreams” texts… it might sound corny to you but women like receiving messages like that… it lets them know you’re thinking about them.

Sexual Greetings

Although sex might be on your mind, guys, you can’t go around making that known. Guys, if you’re out in a club or even in a store, the quickest way to get ignored or even acknowledged with a glance is to greet a woman by saying “hey sexy.” For a woman, it’s just plain rude.

You have to understand, even though a woman might be all about sex just as much as you are, we are very poised and classy about it, will definitely make you work for it. Never underestimate the power of a simple “hi, how are you today?”

Time’s a Wasting! Use a Trustworthy Dating Site

Now, if you’re a man who has no interest or time for any of these measures, then you might want to look into an app that can arrange casual hookups for you. This will allow you to get what you want when you want it, and it can be done all on a safe and secure site.

All in all, I hope this article was helpful and can help you in your future dating endeavors. If you can follow this simple “playbook,” your dating skills can be greatly improved.

The post What You’re Doing Wrong: Top 6 Moves Men Make That Turn Women Off appeared first on Fashion Enzyme.

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Online Dating Secrets: 4 Tips to Help You Meet Someone Sun, 05 Aug 2018 12:52:59 +0000 Online matching sites have exploded in recent years, with statistics painting a picture of consistently increasing membership for every one of the major outlets. Where guys once relied on the tried-and-tested method of heading to...

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The post Online Dating Secrets: 4 Tips to Help You Meet Someone appeared first on Fashion Enzyme.

Online matching sites have exploded in recent years, with statistics painting a picture of consistently increasing membership for every one of the major outlets. Where guys once relied on the tried-and-tested method of heading to singles bars or clubs where the probability of bumping into a single woman – any single woman – was relatively high, their chances of forging a long-term relationship was always considerably lower.

Dating websites have changed all that. When men want to meet single women now, all they need to do is sign up to an online agency or app, then begin browsing through the lists of profiles of compatible women. If this really is High Season for online dating, what are four of the most recommended tips for meeting someone?

Tips to Help You Meet Someone in Online Dating

First impressions

Because Internet dating has become so popular, when you join any matchmaking platform you need to be aware of the degree of competition you will be facing when it comes to attracting attention. Think of a similar situation in an offline environment. When you used to go out on the town hoping to get noticed by a potential partner, didn’t you always ensure you were well presented? When it comes to your profile photographs, the very first aspect of your online presence site visitors will come across, you need to make a strong first impression.

Choose a flattering photograph if possible, and make sure it is up-to-date. There’s no point selecting images from 10 years ago just because you look slimmer. What happens when the person you’ve fallen for meets you in the flesh? It’ll take a supreme effort to hide their disappointment.

Strong profile

Similarly to the visual impact you need to achieve, your description must also wow potential suitors and really stand out from the pack. Remember, this is Internet dating, where other users have a relatively short attention span. So when it comes to describing yourself, you need to do so as succinctly as possible. You don’t need to write screeds and screeds of flowery prose, nor should you be tempted just to jot down a few off-hand remarks. It’s all about engaging the people who look you up, to give the impression you are someone it would be worth getting to know better.

Be yourself

If there’s one rule of Internet dating you should always pay close attention to it is always to be honest. Whether you are describing your job, your hobbies or your family background, there is no point in trying to stretch the truth just to make yourself look more interesting. You will be aiming to meet up with your online partner in the flesh sooner or later, won’t you? (No one wants to get involved in a relationship which never progresses beyond firing texts at one another.) When you do meet face-to-face you don’t want to be disappointing your partner because you have used so many fabrications. Just tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth! By all means, embellish the odd detail in the context of banter, but the important aspect of online chat is to provide a good well-rounded background.

Confident messages

Remember, that person you have become attracted to online and feel like getting in touch with has probably attracted the eye of half a dozen other guys in the same space of time. So you need your communications to stand out. Dazzle with your wit and intelligence, and don’t be afraid to flirt shamelessly. Chatting in a dating site environment is no place for shrinking violets!

The post Online Dating Secrets: 4 Tips to Help You Meet Someone appeared first on Fashion Enzyme.

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