
20 Best Types of Body Piercing Ideas to try in 2019

Tongue Piercing

Types of Body Piercing (16)

The modernization had really modernized the world. People are coming up with a new sort of fashions every day. Tongue piercing is a new fashion these days. The tongue can be pierced from lower to the upper surface. This type of piercing also heals quickly. You need to give special consideration to the metal jewelry you are using on the pierced spot. The metal might damage tooth enamel or gums.

Types of Body Piercing (17)

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Types of Body Piercing (19)

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Nose Piercing

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Nose piercing is also the traditional form of piercing that is generally done by women or bisexual people. Women generally place smaller studs in such places. It enhances the look of women. You need to take the following safety precautions while piercing the nose.

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  • You should always go to a reputed place for piercing the nose. The person who is piercing the nose must be professional.
  • The hygienic practices must be followed while piercing the nose like using sterilized needle and equipment.
  • Be careful from the allergies that can occur after the piercing.

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1. Septum Piercing!

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It’s different, yes! Septum piercing is becoming a fashion statement all over the world and ranks among painful types of body piercing category. To achieve a cool, unique young look – not just gals even guys are too opting septum piercing. In comparison to ear piercing, septum piercing takes a longer healing time.

2. Medusa Piercing!

If you want to draw your friend’s attention to the shape of your lips, a medusa piercing is a great choice. This piercing idea highlights your facial features. Young gals! It can actually make you look cute and girly because of the ways it highlights your lips. For a fancy look, you can add a beautifully decorated stud to your medusa piercing.

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